Friday, October 9, 2009



AGAPE IS HERE.........

In this nice day,we would like to talk about a you know what the meaning of megacities?and how some place can be a megacities?ok...let we tell you all about a megacities.Megacities is defined as a metropolitan area with a total population in excess of 10 million people.Some definition also set a minimum level for population density(at least 2000 person/square km).

Megacities can be distinguished from global cities by their rapid growth,new forms of spatial population density and both formal or informal economies as well as poverty,crime and high level of social fragmentation.

Many example of megacities that we can found in this world such as TOKYO,Japan,JAKARTA
,Indonesia, DHAKA,Bangladesh, KARACHI,Pakistan, LAGOS,Nigeria and so on.But today we are interesting to tell you all about TOKYO,Japan.

Dear readers,

Today,Tokyo is the biggest and the most popular megacites in the world.The original name for Tokyo is EDO.Its name was changed to Tokyo(to= east)+(kyo=capital)when it became the emperial capital in 1868 during during early MEIJI period,the city also called 'tokei' an alternative pronunciation from the some chinese characters representing 'tokyo'.

Now, Tokya has 35.7 million people according to Revision Of World Urbanization and maybe tins will rise to 36.4 by 2025.We can found 26 cities at the western part of Tokyo such as AKISHIMA. INO, INAGI, OME, TAMA, ITAKA,TACHIKAWA, HAMURA, MACHIDA and so on....

If you want to go to Tokyo, many place you an visit like history place and you also can go to national park within Tokyo.For example,MEIJI NO MORI TAKAO QUASI national park, UENO park,national Tokyo museum and so on..very interesting!

Tokyo is one of the 3 world finance'command centers',along with London and New York.Tokyo had a largest metropolitan economy in the world.According by PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS,
the Tokyo urban area(35.2 million peolpe) had a total GDP of US$1.191 trillion in 2025 (at purchasing power parity)ranking again as the largest urban GDP in the world.....thats all for today and see you again at the next blog...

bye bye......

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