Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Apartheid (Discrimination)

Hello to our beloved readers! Agape is here...

We love to dwell on a meaning of a word,discrimination.Lets us open the dictionary and look for what discrimination mean to.Treating one person or group worse than others,that is! How it is could be?Although you realize or not,there are many type of discrimination.Raciall discrimination,religious discrimination,sexual discrimination,gender discrimination and so on.The former, that is will us elaborate on today.Racial discrimination,it is occur from prejudice to other races or ethnics. Everyone of us already know about policy of Apartheid,isn't it?It is the the former official in South Africa of separating people of different races and making them live apart.For all knowledge, apartheid mean separate in African.In the South African ,Apartheid is refer to separating white people from blank people.The seventh South Africans Prime Minister, Hendrik Frensch Verwoerd is the former of the policy.

If you are the South Africa and you are black people,you are not allowed to marry with white people.Moreover,there no work for you ,because any work specially high status carrier just for white people.That is you if you are born as a black people in South African.You will ignore in education,in government offices services and so on.That is allow a rural,hard and not fair live to any person who are black.In Mac 1960,sharpeville,at least 69 black people die because of riot to against the policy of Apartheid ,which is make their live as slaves to the world.

However,this policy abolished in 1994 when their president at that time Nekson Mandela the first black people,who is can be a president in South African.But the effects are make us feel that we are luckily born in Malaysia with no policy of Apartheid.But we agape with let you think about this question."If we are feel that we are not fit to be a friend with disable person a type of discrimination to them?

thank you.

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