Hi there!
Customs,or other word we can write as culture.Customs can be described as a way of life.
We can say,different way of life made up different race or ethnic. Because of that group, there are thousand type of customs are alive in this world.
Dear readers,
Do you know something about Javanese? something about their dressing,food or dances.
today,we just want to write about their food,what they eat everyday,acctually.
generally,in malaysia Johore,Selangor are two state that influced by their culture. the most part is their food,we take a few example of their food,"nasi ambang","pecal","serunding","emping",and "tempe". Actually nasi ambang is a one mixture of rice,vegetable,fish or chicken. We can found nasi ambang in wedding ceremony,they will eat nasi ambang together in a flat container called "dulang". It's something interesting in Javanese culture.
All of that food are hot and spicy, Javanese love that. Most of type of their food are consist in herbs,spice and chilis. That is good for our health, Right??? That is the truth!
That is just for today!
thanks for landing you eye to read our text about Javanese food!
So long!!!!!!
It would be good if you could describe the other Javanese foods besides nasi ambang- namely, "pecal", "seruding", "emping" and "tempe".